Rifle Cleaning Tips

Rifle with cleaning supplies


  1. Wrap cotton patch around chamber brush and soak with Rem Oil (liquid or spray aerosol) or Rem Oil Pro3 (liquid or spray aerosol.) Clean loose dirt and grime from the chamber, neck and shoulder area of the barrel. Follow up with dry patches or mop to remove Rem Oil and residue.
  2. Wrap cotton patch around chamber brush and soak with Remington 40-X Bore Cleaner. Clean powder residue from the chamber, neck and shoulder of the barrel.
  3. Repeat step 1.
  4. Wrap cotton patch around chamber brush to remove excess cleaner and oil.


  1. Insert a bore guide to protect rifling from the rod and prevent solvent/fouling residue from leaking into the action.
  2. Attach jag to the end of cleaning rod. Place corner of cotton patch over the tip of jag. Soak patch with Rem Oil or Rem Oil Pro3 (liquid or spray aerosol). Push the patched jag through the entire length of the barrel away from you. Remove patch from jag, then pull the rod and jag back towards you. (Note: do not pull the patch back through the barrel towards you as it may get stuck.) Repeat 2 times to clean loose fouling from the barrel.
  3. Attach bronze brush to the end of cleaning rod and soak with Remington 40-X Bore Cleaner. Pass the brush back and forth through the bore 10 times (10 times down, 10 times back.)
  4. Repeat step 2. If patches are dirty repeat steps 2 and 3 until patches are clean.
  5. Attach jag to the end of cleaning rod. Place corner of dry cotton patch over the tip of the jag. Push the patched jag through the entire length of the barrel away from you. Remove patch from jag, then pull the rod and jag back towards you.(Note: do not pull the patch back through the barrel towards you as it may get stuck.)Repeat 2 times.
  6. Clean exterior of bolt and receiver with Rem Oil or Rem Oil Pro3 wipes.
  7. Wipe down the exterior of rifle and optics.